I’m at my bsf house but when it comes to her bathroom door it’s easy to unlock and shut it from behind and I have to shower but I’m rlly scared that her parents are js going to unlock it I asked her if she can guide it for me but she said no

I’m at my bsf house but when it comes to her bathroom door it’s easy to unlock and shut it from behind and I have to shower but I’m rlly scared that her parents are js going to unlock it I asked her if she can guide it for me but she said no

Navigating difficult scenarios

Hi hi 🌟 It's totally understandable to feel a bit nervous about the bathroom door situation. Maybe you can try talking to your friend again and explain how important it is for you to feel comfortable and secure while showering. If she still can't help, you could ask if there's another way to secure the door, like using a towel or asking her parents for a temporary lock or just letting everyone know you'll be in the bathroom. Remember, communication is key! 🗝️💬

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